how does creativiy help with grief and loss


When children draw or color, words are not needed. There’s a connection between the head, the heart, and the hand which helps them express many feelings that had previously been trapped inside. Creativity helps children put those emotions outside, so they can see their experience from a different perspective, making things clearer and giving them distance. Creativity gives children a sense of control and allows them to tell their story over and over again so they can let go and make sense of it. It is an important coping skill that can serve them for the rest of their lives.

Text excerpted from A Caregiver’s Guide to Draw It Out by Art with Heart. To order the full booklet by mail, please contact

Copyright ©2016 Art with Heart • •

to be continued later…….

self care is important

•Self – Care is Important•

It is important to incorporate self-care into your daily life. Self-care anchors you in kindness and love, even amidst a whirlwind of stress or trauma. Be aware of a wide range of needs and deliberately take action to support our own well-being.

Many of us want to practice kindness toward ourselves, but we don’t know how to start. Here are ten simple ways to nurture your wellbeing with self-care:

1. Nourish Yourself

Beautiful foods that nourish both your body and your soul set the foundation for your day. Celebrate your time in the kitchen by preparing dishes that help you feel grounded and alive.

2. Go to a Yoga Class

Committing yourself to a yoga class realigns your intention, connecting you with your breath and your body. Even if you don’t practice regularly, you can still benefit from a class.

3. Take a Bath

Water soothes the soul. Take some time to relish a bath, complete with bath salts and a plush bath pillow to support your neck.

4. Celebrate Small Changes

You love big milestones—graduations, promotions, and birthdays. But what about the small moments? Celebrate that time you handed in an assignment early or you reached out to a friend at exactly the right time.

5. Get 10 Hours of Sleep

Imagine if you slept for ten hours every night this week. You would probably feel rested, awake, and alive. Give yourself that gift, and notice how it changes your life.

6. Walk Outside

Fresh air and sunshine does a world of good. When you’re feeling down, plop yourself on a bench and take in a natural, serene setting.

7. Take a Personal Day

Your company gives you personal days for a reason. Next time you need a break, ask for one. Proactively honoring your needs keeps you from getting sick or burned out from exhaustion.

8. Write a Gratitude List

Gratitude lists bring your attention to the beauty in your life. For an extra-nurturing list, write down the traits you’re grateful for within yourself.

9. Let Go of Unwanted Things

Shedding clutter—clothes, kitchenware, books, and furniture—frees you to focus on what brings you joy.

10. Meditate

Meditation returns you to the present moment, giving you the opportunity to find stillness and appreciation in any circumstance. A regular practice can decrease stress and fortify you with a practical tool for everyday life.

(Courtesy of Gaiam and the Yoga Alliance


I feel unmotivated

I feel a failure

I feel like my art isn’t good enough

I know I’m painting for myself

I’m painting to express myself instead of taken it out on myself

I know I still need to improve and I know that you never stop learning.

Every day you learn something new if you think about it.

But i can’t help it to feel like I have failed

Monday. New week , new start

its Monday , a new day , a new week and a new start.  Leave everything behind from the week before. If you feel that you still need to work on some issues or things from last week that are important , work on them this week, If they are not important, don’t stress about it. Try to keep a positive attitude this week.

I know life is hard and it has its ups and downs , life its not a straight line.

If you start with a positive thought each morning you can actually change your attitude towards your day for a positive outlook.  Not really sure if im making any sense. But this is just me trying to stay positive even though struggling with some things , you can still have a positive attitude. ( I know it may seem hard , but it is possible) just one positive thought , or one positive word can change how you start your day .


Anxiety sucks

I really hate anxiety so my. It gets worse sometimes at night.

i lay in bed . Looking up at the ceiling. Wondering throughs on my mind . They won’t let me sleep.


close to 5 am and still awake,

raising thoughts that won’t stop

wishing there was a way to stop them

but some nights they get louder and louder and eventually I will fall asleep

Art heals

I have tried many different ways to have an account to to share my experiences with art and mental health; but I feel and I hope that this blog will be helpful to me and others with the information posted ( which is researched and also from personal experience).

I will include some of my art from time to time . And write about each piece of art and how it has helped me.

This is a mixed media work that I did recently. I have been struggling a lot with feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression and other negative thoughts.  I used art to express how I felt this day.

The colors I use either on my drawings or paintings may vary depending on my mood.
